Pastors are the public face of the congregation, and as such, pastors are called to public witness for the sake of the Gospel, and to make known the congregation’s response to God's call for service. Pastors are called to serve in unique times and in unique ways.
On November 2, 2018, Our Redeemer entered into a unique Shared Partner Agreement with First Presbyterian Church. The two churches jointly employ our pastor, Melinda VanderSys.
This Agreement states, in part:
“In order to make possible the proclamation of the Gospel in our area, and to ensure a ministry of Word and Sacrament, we, the members of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church (ORLC) and First Presbyterian Church (FPC) recognize the advantages of working together in faith, learning, service, and support.”
Through sharing the gifts of Pastor Melinda, having a joint Sunday School, a joint Youth Group, and occasionally joint worship services and fellowship, the two congregations have formed a unique partnership.
The Agreement worked so well for the first two years that both congregations voted to renew the Shared Partner Agreement for another two years, carrying the congregations into 2022.
Due to the pandemic, Pastor Melinda is not scheduling in-person office visits. If you would like to speak with her, you may call (906) 293-8331 and leave a message, call her cell at (906) 291-0897, or email her: [email protected]